Your vehicle’s transmission is a vital component that plays a crucial role in its performance. Whether you’re a seasoned car enthusiast or just a regular driver, it’s essential to understand the difference between transmission service and transmission repair. Knowing when each is necessary can save you money, prolong the life of your vehicle, and keep you cruising smoothly on the road. Read on to find out more.

Transmission Service – Preserving the Smooth Ride

Servicing your transmission primarily focuses on preventative maintenance and routine care to ensure that it remains in optimal condition. Here’s what it typically involves:

Fluid Change – The most common aspect of a transmission service is changing the transmission fluid. Over time, this fluid can become contaminated, lose its lubricating properties, and lead to various issues. Regular fluid changes help prevent these problems and maintain smooth operation.

Filter Replacement – Many automatic transmissions have filters that can become clogged with debris and contaminants. Replacing the filter during a service ensures that the transmission fluid flows freely, preventing damage to internal components.

Inspection – A thorough inspection is an integral part of transmission service. Trained technicians check for signs of wear and tear, leaks, and any potential issues that might need addressing in the future.

Adjustments – Some transmission services also include adjustments to the transmission bands, which can become loose or misaligned over time. Proper adjustments ensure that the transmission shifts smoothly.

Transmission Repair – Fixing the Hiccups

Transmission repair, on the other hand, is performed when there is a specific issue or malfunction in the transmission system that needs attention. It’s a more extensive and often costlier process than routine service. Common repairs include:

Rebuilding – In cases of severe damage or wear, a transmission may need to be rebuilt. This involves disassembling the transmission, replacing damaged parts, and reassembling it. Rebuilding can be a complex and time-consuming process.

Replacement – If a transmission is beyond repair, it may need to be replaced entirely with a new or refurbished unit.

Component Repairs – Transmission repairs can also involve fixing or replacing individual components such as solenoids, clutches, or sensors.

Diagnostic Testing – Before performing repairs, technicians often use diagnostic tools to pinpoint the specific problem within the transmission. This helps ensure that the repair addresses the root cause of the issue.

When to Choose Each?

Knowing when to opt for transmission service or repair is essential for maintaining your vehicle’s health and your budget. Routine transmission services are typically performed every 12 months or 20,000 kilometres, whichever comes first, and they help prevent problems before they occur. They are essential for extending the lifespan of your transmission and maintaining its performance. When you notice symptoms such as slipping gears, rough shifts, strange noises, or warning lights on your dashboard, it’s time to consult a trusted mechanic for transmission repairs. Ignoring these signs can lead to more significant and costly issues down the track.

Transmission servicing is all about proactive maintenance and preventative care to keep your vehicle running smoothly. Repairs are reserved for addressing specific issues and malfunctions. Regular servicing can help you avoid the need for extensive repairs and ensure that your vehicle’s transmission consistently operates at its best.

If you have any questions regarding your transmission, or if you have any concerns with your vehicle’s performance, get in touch with the team a Car Care Joondalup today. Proud to be your local one-stop autocare shop, we can help with servicing, auto repairs, air con re-gassing, suspension checks, and much more. Book a service online or call 08 9300 9796.